Low level laser therapy for dentinal tooth hypersensitivity

Results demonstrate that the GaAIAs laser is an effective method for the treatment of both thermal and tactile dentinal hypersensitivity. There were no reported adverse reactions or instances of oral irritation.


Application of Diode Laser in the Treatment of Dentine Hypersensitivity.

Within the scope of the conducted study, laser therapy has provided extremely safe and effective results in the treatment of cervical dentine hypersensitivity.


Photobiomodulation—Underlying Mechanism and Clinical Applications

The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities for the application of laser therapy in medicine and dentistry by analyzing lasers’ underlying mechanism of action on di erent cells, with a special focus on stem cells and mechanisms of repair. The interest in the application of laser therapy in medicine and dentistry has remarkably increased in the last decade. There are di erent types of lasers available and their usage is well defined by di erent parameters, such as: wavelength, energy density, power output, and duration of radiation. Laser irradiation can induce a photobiomodulatory (PBM) e ect on cells and tissues, contributing to a directed modulation of cell behaviors, enhancing the processes of tissue repair.