Efficacy of Low-Level Laser Therapy for the Therapeutic Management of Neuropathic Orofacial Pain: A Systematic Review

LLLT seems to be effective as a treatment option for different neuropathic orofacial pain entities such as trigeminal neuralgia, occipital neuralgia, and burning mouth syndrome as a single or combined treatment.


Recovery of Inferior Alveolar Nerve by Photobiomodulation Therapy Using Two Laser Wavelengths: A Behavioral and Immunological Study in Rat

PBMT with 810 and 980 nm diode laser protocol used in this study, promoted the neurosensory recovery of IAN after crush injury in rats.


Effects of Superpulsed, Low-Level Laser Therapy on Neurosensory Recovery of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve

The results reported in this study indicate that SLLLT has the potential to improve neurosensory recovery in patients with IAN paresthesia.


Comparison of Laser, Dry Needling, and Placebo Laser Treatments in Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Laser therapy could be useful as a treatment modality in myofascial pain syndrome because of its noninvasiveness, ease, and short-term application.


Clinical effectiveness of low-level laser treatment on peripheral somatosensory neuropathy

According to the results of these studies, low-level laser therapy can improve sensory function in patients with peripheral somatosensory neuropathy, although little research has been done, laser treatment regimens are varied and do not recommend a specific treatment protocol. It seems it requires more research to sum up better, particularly in relation to diabetes.


Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: A Systematic Review

It was concluded that PBMT has beneficial effects on the recovery of nerve lesions, especially when related to a faster regeneration and functional improvement, despite the variety of parameters.


Low-level laser therapy and myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome: a randomized controlled clinical trial

In each group the reduction of pain before and after the treatment was meaningful, but, between the two groups, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) was more effective (P = 0.031) According to this study, this type of LLLT was the effective treatment for pain reduction in MPDS patients.


830 nm laser irradiation induces varicosity formation, reduces mitochondrial membrane potential and blocks fast axonal flow in small and medium diameter rat dorsal root ganglion neurons: implications for the analgesic effects of 830 nm laser

The repeated application of laser in a clinical setting modulates nociception and reduces pain. The application of laser therapy for chronic pain may provide a non-drug alternative for the management of chronic pain.


Photobiomodulation: Implications for Anesthesia and Pain Relief

This review provides strong evidence in neuroscience identifying inhibition of neural function as a mechanism for the clinical application of PBM in pain and anesthesia


The Effect of Low-level Laser Therapy on Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Review of Literature

However, in most studies laser therapy was associated with significant reduction in the intensity and fre-quency of pain compared with other treatment strategies, a few studies revealed that between laser and placebo group there was not any significant difference according to the analgesic effect. Low-level laser therapy could be considered in treat-ment of trigeminal neuralgia without any side effects.

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